Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Reading Resources For Parents and Teachers

Monitoring the progress of emergent readers is important. There are great websites for parents and educators to help with reading goals. First, it is important to acknowledge what might be a misconception for some.

Most educators shy away from using the term grade level. Grade levels are a thing of the past because it was hard to apply in larger school districts. What might be 5th grade level at one school may be different at another. For this reason, Lexiles are used for measurements of progress regarding reading. It measures an individual's reading ability and comprehension based on the difficult of the text. So parents should use the websites provided knowing that many are based on a Lexile Range. It will look something like this:

480C -830L  - 4th Grade - A book within these parameters does not reflect context, just reading ability. BE CAREFUL. For example, the Grapes of Wrath is at a Third Grade Level , but is not appropriate for Third Grade readers.

Parents have to use the site to examine current age appropriate context and be sure to check for each text's reading level.

The over all range is Beginner Reader to 1700 exile. The website will explain how to interpret your reading materials

We will also be including links for children with learning disabilities. For example, rewordify,.com allows parents and teachers to copy complicated texts from works of literature and have them simplified for comprehension purposes.  Check out the links under Reading Resources and feel free to suggest additional resources.

Welcome to our educational resources site for parents and educators. People often recommend sites to me that promote literacy or critical thinking, and functional living skills. This site will be a resource for parents and students.