Monday, December 14, 2015

Fun For The Brain Is A Great Site For PreK- 7th Grade is an interactive site that is great for families and educators. Each grade level has hundreds of problems for students with interactive videos to help explain the solving of problems as they go. Lessons utilize flow player which is an HTML player. Adobe or flash programs are not required. This is great for parents concerned about downloading additional software.

The lessons are done using a smartboard type background. Kids will be use to this because most schools are equipped with smartboards. Also, the lessons will help parents navigate lessons plans from common core that do not come with instructional materials.

Grades pre-k to 7th grade, Fun For The Brain is a great addition to your learning experiences online. If you are a teacher, this site is great for classrooms. Overall, a great find and free for all to use.

Welcome to our educational resources site for parents and educators. People often recommend sites to me that promote literacy or critical thinking, and functional living skills. This site will be a resource for parents and students.